Welcome to P.S. 041 Francis White!

Mental Health Resources

Ask your Parent Coordinator, School Social Worker, or School Counselor for more information about your school's mental health program.

School Leader
Dr. Laura Onwuka, Principal

Parent Coordinator
Shellian Wilson

Respect for All Liaison
Tracey Mooney

Sexual Harassment Prevention Liaison
Tracey Mooney

504 Coordinator
Shauna Green

District Borough Number

This Frequently Asked Questions is a resource for students and parents about how to report incidents, the investigation process, and supports and interventions to prevent and address student-to-student sexual harassment and student-to-student gender-based harassment, bullying, intimidation, and/or discrimination.

For more information visit https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/school-environment/respect-for-all.

Mental Health for All is a central hub where every New Yorker can connect to care and find mental health resources for themselves and their loved ones. No matter the age, ZIP code, ethnicity, or gender, we want every New Yorker to be able to live their best life.

NYC Well offers free-confidential-24/7 support for problems like stress, depression, anxiety, and drug or alcohol use. NYC Well services include: counselors who will respond without judgment; connection to suicide prevention, crisis counseling and emotional support for you or someone you care about; and referrals to Mobile Crisis Teams for people experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Text and chat available in English, Spanish, and Chinese; for service in other languages please call number provided below.

Hite Site offers a citywide online search for mental health, social services, and healthcare agencies.